Wednesday 4 June 2014

Hair Loss Solutions

Hair loss can be quite a thing to worry about for the people who fall victim to it. It doesn’t give its victim an alarm call and as soon as the person gets to know of it enough damage had been done already. Self discovery is the key aspects of this menace and the people suffering from hair loss look around themselves in the first place to find a remedy. One of the first things that most people do is change their shampoo and other hair products followed by altering the schedule of use of these products. These measures might help in some cases but the authentic results are almost negligible and never heard of. 

First one is the application of oils which might help in nourishing the remaining and the thinning follicles and in turn help them to regain their natural strength. Another added tip is to heat up the oil until it is warm and then apply it because it is known to have a rapid action than cold oil. Fruit extracts and juices are the next best thing after oil. Any fresh from vegetables might also help to increase the efficacy of growth hormones of follicles and speed up the recovery process. 

A combination of ginger and garlic extracts is known to have a high effect if it is applied and left as it is over night. Hair loss might also be as a result of loss of circulation and in this case a very easy way to regain a certain amount of circulation is to massage the scalp with the tips of the finger. When massaging, some very important points to remember include caution in terms of pressure. The massage should not be done hardly as it might do more harm than good and may even promote the falling of weak hair follicles. In the last but not least, the hair fall process has been reported to slow down in the case of consumption of sufficient amount of antioxidants. 

Antioxidants accumulate near the hair follicles and help to prevent the unstable hormone condition which might lead to follicle thinning and eventually falling off as a result.

Monday 2 June 2014

Hair transplant surgery perhaps the most performed surgery in Pakistan

It is not very long ago when people were not aware of the hair transplant surgery as it was not really considered as a part of hair restoration. Usually the artificial scalp was pasted at the bald area at that time and tried to let the hair look like natural but it was a temporary solution. This solution is only suitable for short duration and after that time hair start to lose the natural look and seem to look like a wig. Wigs are easily available at cheap rates so people seem to thought that why would they spend too much money on the procedure if their hair will not look natural after some time.

Due to the increasing needs and demands of the people, hair transplant surgery has come to scene. This procedure gained worldwide acceptance as people not only started getting their hair back but they can also maintain long lasting results. It gained popularity in late 90s and in early 2000s and now this trend of hair transplant surgery has not only gained huge popularity in Pakistan but in the whole world. This procedure is claimed to be one of the best and successful surgeries in the world and due to the successful results more and more people are opting for it.

Press Release : Link

Friday 16 May 2014


For the treatment of hair loss, hair transplantation is a surgical procedure which involves transferring hair grafts from donor areas such as from chest and nape to the balding or thinning area where you would like to grow new hair.

This is invasive method that is done with mild sedation and injected local anesthesia to numb the area. First surgeon cleans the scalp and numbs the area where hair are to be transplanted.  Then surgeon sews the scalp after removing the strip of scalp with the help of a scalpel. Then, the surgeons divides the strip of removed scalps into tiny grafts. The number and type of grafts used rely on the quality, type and color of the hair along with the size of area on which hair to be transplanted.

When grafts are prepared, the area where hair are to be transplanted is clean and numb by the surgeon. Next, the surgeons creates the holes with the help of scalpel or needle and place each graft in one of the holes gently. The entire procedure takes two to four hours depending upon the numbers of hair grafts being transplanted.

A surgical dressing will be given to you by the surgeon for two days. You may also require medications to relief pain, swelling, bruising and itching after experiencing the surgery. Post operative care is fundamental to ensure the fastest healing time to achieve the desired outcomes. Within two weeks after surgery, the transplanted hair will shed. It is normal and expected after the hair transplant surgery. Within a few months you will start noticing growth of new hair.